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Luciana está inmersa en un círculo de misteriosas muertes de sus familiares, que se torna cada vez más pequeño alrededor suyo. Un enigmático escritor, su antiguo jefe, sobrevuela la escena con un velo de horror y aires de culpabilidad.
La lucha obsesiva para salvar la vida de su única familiar viva, su hermana menor Valentína. Una encrucijada entre la razón y la muerte. Una carrera contra el tiempo para sacar a la luz su verdad, y un último pacto de sangre para terminar con la venganza.

Luciana is immersed in a circle of mysterious deaths of her relatives, which becomes smaller and smaller around her. An enigmatic writer, his former boss, hovers over the scene with a veil of horror and an air of guilt. The obsessive fight to save the life of his only living relative, his younger sister Valentína. A crossroads between reason and death. A race against time to bring his truth to light, and one last blood pact to end revenge.

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Alicia, una madre desesperada, hará lo imposible para evitar que su hijo quede preso por intento de homicidio de su ex esposa. Pasará por todas las adversidades, hasta finalmente lograr que recupera su libertad. Sin embargo, un detalle que sale a la luz, convertirá su vida en una auténtica pesadilla.  

Alicia, a desperate mother, will do everything possible to prevent her son from being imprisoned for the attempted murder of his ex-wife. He will go through all adversities, until finally he is able to regain his freedom. However, a detail that comes to light will turn her life into a real nightmare.

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EL HIJO / THE SON (2019)

Director / Director: Sebastián Schindel
Guión / Screenwriter: Leonel D’Agostino
Elenco/Cast: Joaquín FurrielMartina GusmánLuciano Cáceres, Heidi Toini


Lorenzo, un bohemio pintor cincuentón, se encuentra ansioso por la llegada de su hijo que tendrá con su nueva esposa. Durante el embarazo, ella se obsesiona con el cuidado del bebé y decide tenerlo en su propia casa con una partera.
Una vez nace el niño, la mujer se vuelve muy rígida y estricta con la forma en que desarrolla su maternidad, y Lorenzo comienza a sentirse aislado y oprimido por su mujer y la partera.
La atmósfera familiar empeora progresivamente, y su hogar se vuelve completamente hostil para la crianza de su hijo; y su relación con su mujer entrará en zonas oscuras, hacia un vínculo peligroso.

Lorenzo, a bohemian painter in his fifties, is anxious about the arrival of his son, whom he will have with his new wife. During pregnancy, she becomes obsessed with taking care of the baby and decides to have it in her own home with a midwife. Once the child is born, the woman becomes very rigid and strict with the way she develops her motherhood, and Lorenzo begins to feel isolated and oppressed by his wife and the midwife. The family atmosphere progressively worsens, and your home becomes completely hostile to the upbringing of your child; and his relationship with his wife will enter dark areas, towards a dangerous bond.

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Felipe Mentor  vive una vida feliz. Su empresa esta en ascenso y su vida privada es soñada.
A punto de cerrar un contrato con una firma que le proporcionara mayores beneficios economicos, Felipe disfruta de la plenitud del amor con su esposa Luz, una Bella e idilica mujer años mas joven que el. Luz le Brinda el afecto que necesita y tambien sus fantasias más intimas.
Pero esta vida ideal en la que vive felipe se desmorona cuando le propone a luz tener un hijo. El pedido de Felipe detona un mundo oculto e infeliz, basado en los servicios que ofrece una corporacion que da vida los deseos de la gente.


Felipe Mentor lives a happy life. His business is rising and his private life is a dream. He is about to close a very important deal with a firm that will provide him greater economic benefits. Felipe enjoys the fullness of love with his wife Luz, a beautiful and idyllic woman several years younger than him. Luz gives him the affection he needs and she also fullfills his most intimate fantasies. But this ideal life falls apart when Felipe proposes Luz to have a child. This proposition detonates a hidden and unhappy world, based on the services offered by a corporation that makes people's wishes come true.

Director / Director: Fabián Forte
Guión / Screenwriter: Fabián Forte
Elenco/Cast: Mariana AnghileriSergio BorisJorge D'Elía
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